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School MIS Support Services

We support schools across Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Shropshire, with management information and finance systems.


Your school Management Information System is a central source for data that helps you to build a complete picture of every pupil and member of staff in your school, enabling you to deliver accurate information to the Department for Education, the Local Authority and your governors.

Our highly trained, skilled and knowledgeable team have extensive experience of working with a range of schools, from small local authority maintained primaries, to multi-academy trusts and independent schools.

Accredited partners


Meet the team

  • Ellie Ramsey

    Ellie joined Hoople in 2015 having spent a number of years working in education. With experience across a range of administration, teaching and support roles, Ellie is ideally placed to understand the varying demands each role entails. Volunteering as a Co-Chair of Governors in a Locally Maintained Primary school has developed her understanding of strategic requirements within schools and she is always happy to discuss your school requirements and training needs.

    Ellie Ramsey

    Education and Schools Systems Manager

  • Emma Matchette

    Moving accoss from the Herefordshire LA Schools ICT Team, Emma has worked at Hoople since the very beginning. She now specialises in assessment and reporting needs for schools, creating reports and analysing their data. She says she loves the variety and challenges that each day brings.

    Emma Matchette

    Senior Application Analyst

  • James Richardson

    Prior to joining Hoople, James worked for a local high school, overseeing the use of the Management Information System (MIS), and in 2015 he joined Hoople Schools Support Team. Although each member of the team support all aspects of a school MIS, James’ experience in a high school setting means he specialises in secondary phase specific roles such as timetabling and examinations.

    James Richardson

    Application Analyst

  • Georgie Griffin

    Georgie has been a part of the team since 2006, bringing with her a wealth of experience in many areas including forward planning, nursery education funding and free school meals. She now provides support and training to schools in using Management Information Systems and loves delivering an important and beneficial service.

    Georgie Griffin

    Application Analyst

Our MIS support services

  • Staff Training

    Ongoing training for new and experienced users tailored to your school requirements to include before and after school sessions for individuals, departments and whole school staff.

  • Reporting

    Working closely with key staff in each school we can design, build and supply bespoke reporting to support whole school development in attendance, assessment, behaviour and SEND.

  • SEND

    Intervention planning, delivery and reporting for School SENCOs to support pupils with SEND.

  • Attainment

    Bespoke assessment design and support for your school, including mark sheets, reporting and analysis.

  • Conduct

    Our achievement and behaviour configuration is designed to support each school and includes design and reporting.

  • Attendance

    Bespoke attendance reporting and analysis to assist school leaders and governors with whole school attendance.

  • Finance

    SIMS FMS, SIMS Finance and Bromcom Finance – to include ongoing staff training and support with key processes.

  • Schools' Support SLA

    We offer a range of support packages to meet the needs of your school.

Read our reviews

Administration Team; LA Maintained Primary School

The support provided by the School Support Team has been invaluable. Staff training, support with long term absence, reporting and analysis and a wealth of general advice to call on whenever we need it has made managing our school data so much easier. Thank you!

Head Teacher; Primary Academy

The SIMS reports generated by the School Support Team quickly provide clear, concise and purposeful data. This data was invaluable during our recent OFSTED inspection enabling us to confidently and quickly share attainment and progress of groups, individuals and cohorts. The reports have been instrumental in enabling us to rapidly put interventions in place to benefit pupils. The team have been fantastic in facilitating reports that provide exactly the data we need to guide and support whole school improvement.

Senior Leadership Team; Secondary Academy

We have recently converted back to ESS SIMS Management Information System after many years with another MIS system. The School Support Team have made a real difference to this process, enabling us initially to get up and running quickly and now to develop our use of the software. Working as a small team, they liaise with each other frequently to find the best solution for our needs. When I’ve had major problems (such as losing all the members of our classes!) they have always gone the extra mile to help and support, working into the night or starting very early in the morning to get me out of the hole I have dug myself. The team have listened to where we wanted to go with our MIS, provided solutions to get us up and running and are now actively helping us to take our usage to the next level through on-site training and online support.

Contact School MIS Support Services

General Enquiries


School MIS Support Services
Auxilium House
Legion Way


01432 383678

IT service desk


01432 260160

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